Friday, March 13, 2009


Life has been quiet lately. As winter turns to spring however, activity should pick up. Both Jing and Harry participate in soccer and will soon be having regular practices outdoors. Both have also added other new activities; cub scouts for Harry and Break Out for Jing. I love being involved in their activities, and running with them on the weekends. The only difficult part is finding sometihing for my mother to be involved in. She doesn't drive, so her ability to "run" is limited to weekends, when I can take her where she needs to go, and of course mesh those activities with those of the kids.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Welcome to my blog! I had never really considered blogging until going through my kids' baby books and trying to remember how old they were when they _______. Maybe if I blog about our life, they will be able to go back when they are older and reminesce about their early years at home.

To introduce ourselves: I'm Carole, a 40+ mom living life with two kids-Jing(11) and Harry(6), and my 80+ year old mom. We live in the Mid-Atlantic and have just recovered from 2 weeks of ice and snow. Today the kids are out playing after being cooped up for quite some time, allowing me some alone-time on the computer.